Monday, March 15, 2010

Putting it Together

I made the tie for David.......pattern is available here from the PurlBee and if you are not afraid of handsewing, you should give it a try!  This was the first time I used silky fabric and while it was a lot stretchier on the bias, it pressed into shape just fine.  He is going to be thrilled.........shhhh, don't tell him!
The pool guys ran the plumbing and will have their first inspection tomorrow morning.  Things are moving right along!
We got to pick out tile and decking colors.....!  Tile choices in cobalt and the pool rim will be grain stain and the decking will be in the light terra cotta......
On the weaving front, I finished the towel for my sister and got it hemmed.  I have noticed that my loom leaves these skid marks on the woven fabric-t comes out in the washing/drying process but I wonder why they appear.  Does anyone know a name for this or what causes it? 
I have been enjoying a good pair of socks.  The leg has a fun knit of k1, yo, k2tog for a 3 stitch repeat all around and gives a very pretty lace rib.  Fun for a change.
I have a new towel on the loom...........just an easy twill pattern.  When I determine to weave for an hour, a lot of inches result!   I have to weave to get such  progress!  It doesn't take too long to get away from regular weaving time for some reason!


  1. Love how the tie turned out! You could start selling those on Etsy! The socks look awesome and I really, really, really need to make time to do some weaving on the loom as I am always so envious of your dish cloths. And the pool! Argh.... I'm green with envy!! Really enjoyed the post:)

  2. Lovely tie. Won't David see it when Marsel is reading your blog?

  3. I am so jealous of your skills, the tie is lovely, and your weaving always amazes me. I would love to learn.

  4. 'Beautiful' to everything!

    @ Lynne: I can be sneaky about my blog reading when I need to be! :)

  5. Regarding the spots on your weaving:

    Does your front apron have knots on it? Sometimes my weaving gets marks from the knots that tie the warp to the front apron. Putting brown paper between the knots and the finished cloth might help.


  6. I have a friend who's Harrisville loom distorted her fabric that way too. It has a thin, sharp breast beam and the yarn would distort going around that.

    Her husband fixed it for her by making a new breast beam out of a thicker curved piece of wood so the cloth could slide over it more smoothly.

    Hope you figure it out. It's good that it's coming out in the wash though.



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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!