Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturdays are for Catchin' Up

I like it when there is nothing on the schedule for a Saturday and I can catch up in the sewing room.  This is a project my brother gives me each year, a new patch on his Harley vest.  He brings it down to my parents and they take it back in the Spring in time for his riding season.
I sewed a kitty pillowcase for my sister-in-law because she asked for one for her grand daughter (my great neice who is in college)!
I cut out the dress for Abigail that she will be wearing for Easter when she comes back for a visit in only three weeks!
Also cut out a co-ordinating silky tie for David on said holiday.
Mom's quilt is progressing...I am having a stretching on this one and it is working out well much to my surprise!  I am mixing some exact geometry with free motion areas.
Bill drilled out the hardware for me so I could finish measuring and fitting the family room shades.  Sure does add some perk to a color rich room!  I have enough fabric to make some pillows!  Seed for another Saturday!


  1. Looking good! Isn't it nice to be productive?!

  2. That dress pattern looks very pretty and a matching tie is so cute!

    Still avoiding the cries from the scrap box! DD called a few minutes ago to ask if I wanted to go shopping for fabric - the store is having a 20% off sale! Cheeky girl! LOL
    I doubt she'll get here before 5pm closing so I'm safe for another day!

  3. I love the shades! Feel like putting up a tutorial on how to make them. :o)

  4. What a wonderful thing - a Saturday to do what you want. What's that like? :)

    I love the shades! They will come in handy this summer.

  5. If it was rainy out today, I would totally be inspired by this post to do some sewing! I have a quick curtain project that even I could probably finish in a day!



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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!