Saturday, October 9, 2010

Slow Saturday.........

I woke up my brain with a quick project using some of the shells from the other day.  These were little wooden frames from my daughter's garage sale.  I covered the back with fabric scraps and then glued the shells in place.  I finished the wood with some of my beeswax.  They smell as good as they look now!
 While I was out by the pool, I saw this guy hanging out on the side.  Pretty, isn't he?!  It has been so dry,
I had to add a little more than an inch to the pool's water, about an hour of running the hose.  We are praying for rain!
 After working around the pool, I came in to run the wool from yesterday's dye pot through the carder.  This looks like a volcanic beach to me so that's what I am calling it.
 I save the scraps from the carder drums for spindling; I love to spindle from this tangled cloud of 'waste'.
 Before I left the sewing/craft room, I did a little mending.  Bill blew the knees from a pair of jeans so I hemmed them for shorts and the green was a dress that just didn't fit right on the top so it is now a skirt!
 I couldn't wait to get spinning the freshly carded wool.  It is working up just so nicely.   I will fill this one bobbin tonight.
 I am plugging away on the golden weaving.  I just love how the gold weft makes the warp shimmer.  It was a very dull looking skein of cotton before I added the gold.  What a nice surprise this is turning out to be.  I will look for another skein of this aracunia cotton to try again.  (It was a souveniour purchase when I went to my daughter's LYS.)
 While I was happily playing inside , Bill was tackling some outdoor projects.  He unloaded his new attachment for the John Deere.  This was custom built at a superb discount for him; he will be painting it black since that is a paint he has on hand.
 He dug up a East Palatka Holly from out back and planted it in front where a queen palm died.  The holly will embrace any cold this winter might throw at it!
 He also worked on the front porch to hook up the wiring so that he can install.......
 these two lights/ceiling fans.  The cats are enjoying the boxes until they go up!
This was a nice end to my day; a "just 'cuz  I love you " bouquet!  Hope your Saturday was just as enjoyable as mine.


  1. You did have a very nice Saturday. I love the golden weaving project. What is it going to be? Very pretty bouquet. Good for you!

  2. Can't wait to see the finished skeins from the spinning! You're weaving looks wonderful so bright and happy! I am totally understanding the need for rain. I was thinking of you and your beezwax the other day when I was polishing my wheel. Did you buy it or are you growing bees? Bill sure is getting his money's worth out of that John Deere!

  3. Wow, that's a "slow" Saturday?! :) j/k, I know how nice it is to have a Saturday at home to do home projects!

    All of your projects are lovely...

  4. I don't know if they have black beaches in the Aegean - but you could always call it ~"beaches on canary islands":)) as long as it inspires you - it doesn't matter! I like the blend - and yes, it does look like seafoam on a black beach.
    the golden weaving is gorgeous too - I like the water colour effekt on the warp colours!

  5. I love your shell pictures--much better than the shadow box idea.Sharon


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....