Monday, December 31, 2012

Ella's Home Coming!

Ella came home yesterday; all wrapped up in her new entrelac blanket from Grandma...........

Saturday, December 29, 2012


 I spun some Suri Alpaca.  I teased all the long locks open by hand.
 And made a cloud of fiber which I then spun into yarn.  It wasn't the most fun I have had spinning and I was glad to get to the end of the sample, truth be told.
 To its credit, the yarn is very soft and shiny.
 I got a very pretty knitted sample which goes to prove that knitting covers a multitude of (spinning) sins!
I finished my Suri Sample page which marks the end of FiberBinderClub's 2012's spinning entries!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ella's Arrival!

 Caleb and Cassandra are holding their daughter, Ella Coral........6 lbs 6oz, 20 1/2" , a blond fuzzy head and well, just perfect.
The only relationship that beats parenting........grand-parenting!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post Christmas Post

 The Poinsettias and Christmas cactus are all doing their blooms right on time!
 I did my big Ta-Da moment with the entrelac blanket for Will and saw I had made a parachute instead of a blanket!   I had added an I-cord edging which looked good except it didn't lay flat!
Sometimes this go like this when you are knitting.  I just didn't notice it was too tight while it laid in my lap working on it.
 The only cure was to rip the I-cord out.  I do not want to work on this another two to three days to find a right balance for another I-cord so--it is finished!  Ta-Da!!!
It is soft, machine washable and will match his nursery!  (36" x 42")

 Now on to some quick projects on the needles-a pair of socks are calling me!

(Caleb and Cassandra are in the hospital now; they will begin inducing labor early tomorrow morning!  Can you say excited?!)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I hope you have a blessed day!
Bill and I are sharing the first 'just the two of us' for Christmas morning since our first
Christmas after marrying in 1976!
Later this morning, we are driving up to Matthew and Ashley's to have lunch with them and 
to wish Will a happy first Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


 We are all just hanging out and waiting for word that our newest grand daughter is coming into the world!
I am doing the usual Christmas preparations and made these key ring organizers for a few friends.  It is just big enough for some change, a license and credit card.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

HB to Me!

Well, my grand daughter didn't make the arrival on my birthday but Caleb and Cassandra did meet us at Corky Bells for a great lunch !  It was a very tropical day in the 80's and a delicious breeze-couldn't ask for more!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


 So much beauty.  Isn't he perfect?!  Belly is full here, he is snuggling next to his Mom.
 It was such a privilege to be able to stay with Matthew and Ashley to help out and to get to know Will.
 Thanks so much for this gift, you two!  This is a very early morning snuggle.
 Bill came today to bring me back home but first, he and Matthew did some home improvements.  There were no shelves in the closets and they remedied that today!
 It is fun to see Matthew with tools!  (This is a family joke because when he was very young he said he wasn't going to learn how to do 'fix-it' stuff ' because he was going to have so much money he would pay others to have manual labor done!  I am glad he now knows the joy of DIY !!!
I worked on Will's entrelac blanket in between snuggles........its about 3/4 done now!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sewing and Knitting Gifts

 I made a new Kindle Fire cover for my son-in-law who got an early Christmas present.
 Gave it a fit with mine-we took advantage of the Black Friday sale at Amazon!
 Ah, holding a newborn. grandson.  perfection.
 Even Grandpa got in a snuggle!
 Will is wearing the newborn cap I made!  Now that is love!

We took a little detour on the way home to view the Christmas lights.  Very pretty.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Grandson!

William Isaac Minota was born last night at 5:43 pm  ; weighing in at 7lbs 3oz , 19"
Can you say utterly perfect?!  I will be going back to visit today-hugs are in order!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharing the Waiting

 Here is the jokester, Caleb, posing with his wife........I love the expression on her face!
 This was at the baby shower on Saturday.  We got home late and then I had a disagreement with the fast food we ate on the way home and didn't get to post this sooner!
 On Monday, I painted this 12" ten foot long board for a shelf over my quilting frame.
 This morning, I sewed another purse organizer and then put up the shelf with Bill's help.
So much fun to organize and display all my 'old' sewing notions!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baby Preparations

 I bound off the edges of the entrelac knit afghan for Caleb and Cassandra's daughter!
 I then washed it and blocked it.  The final dimensions were 36 x 48 but it did flatten while blocking but textured right back up when dry!  I am already knitting on the second one in boy colors!
 I finished the quilt and ran into a little label problem-I had bought the wrong kind of printable fabric-the non-washable kind so the first label didn't stand the steaming portion of the work!
Then the 'permanent' marker didn't hold up and this label became a blur of ink after the washer and dryer!  Off to the store for a new fabric marker-finally, I had a label to stand the test of time!
 I also got the 'baby's first Christmas ' ornament and her stocking done.
 I also mounted the vintage 1950's hanky for the wall.
 And, the quilt is finished.  Everything is wrapped and ready for the baby shower!  And the baby...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas...

 All the decorations are up in the house....
Sissy promptly knocked down 5 ornaments and chewed a little branch right off!
 The Penta are both in bloom-the butterflies just love these flowers!

 Bill bought this tea plant when we were at the Purple Cow Festival a few weeks ago-it stands 5' tall and has these beautiful 4" blooms which are delicious as a tea-it is called a Roselle plant.
 The bloom only lasts one day but the plant itself just keeps putting out blooms-very pretty!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Wedding in the Family!

We started the day with a birthday celebration for Caleb-meeting him at his favorite restaurant for lunch.
 Then we went back to Caleb and Cassandra's to change into our wedding clothes and headed to the ocean for a wedding!
 Matthew and Ashley saying their vows.
 And pronounced man and wife!
 The wedding bands.
 Ashley and family.
 And now with her  'Moms'.
 Welcome to our new daughter-in-law!
 I had to include this out-take of our family just before we were posed for our 'real' picture!
 Now for the official picture of my expanding clan!
 Matthew joins a family, too.
 My two newest grand children.......soon now!  (On a side note, all three of my sons will become fathers in 2012-what a blessing.)
 The happy couple pose for the photographer.........
 "Come closer........!'
 'Are you happy?'
 'This happy........'
 'No, THIS happy!'
 Newlyweds just beginning their journey!
 Yes, just married!
 We went to a lovely seafood restaurant after the ceremony, The Nippers, and enjoyed the good food and laughter of each other's company.
Back at Matthew and Ashley's apartment, we enjoyed the cutting of their cake.
And this couple enjoyed their first bites!

What a day we shared!         (Big brother, Jared and his wife, Krystle and daughter, Aria could not make it out for this ceremony but extended family and friends will be at the BIG ceremony that will follow later next year!)


I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....