Monday, October 28, 2013


We had a Marty Stouffer moment recently;  there was a great commotion in the front yard so I ran out expecting to see a dog which usually is the source of the cats all freaking out.  But it was this vulture who decided to dine on our sidewalk!  Bill scooped the squirrel and gave it a toss off to the side of our property.  
Soon, there was quite a scuffle for this prize!  I caught a picture of these venerable vultures!
 This is the chair where I spin-it has a vibration cushion which is wonderful to extend my spinning time!
 Vinegar is an important ingredient in my house-I use this in the dyeing process for my wool and we have another jug that goes to the beach with us because it is an excellent antidote for jellyfish stings, stingray stings and any cut you incur from fish or shells in the ocean!
This is my cordless vacuum which does an excellent job removing dust bunnies from my hardwood floored home!
Bougainvillea Vines!   
 Vinca vine.
 Mandavilla vine!
Jasmine vines!
Trumpeter vines.


  1. and will it be all wines next week?:) but the vultures top it all....

  2. How viney! And yes, the vultures!

  3. You did a great job with the letter V. :) Wow! Vultures. Poor little squirrel. Tammy

  4. Love the vultures! Bravo - you make the letter V look easy!

  5. I loVe Visiting and Viewing Vicariously!

    (I imagined vultures to be bigger than that!)


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...