I watch TheQuiltShow online and on a recent episode they talked about using panel quilts effectively.
It reminded me of a 10 year old fail I had tucked away!
Out it came and even though I had made mucho mistakes, I knew how to draw my 'plan' to scale now and get the blocks to fit around the center panel.
While I only trimmed, ripped apart mistakes and made new blocks, I now know what I am doing and success is only a few stitches away!
I didn't get all the blocks done before the new year, I made it halfway and will continue making a block or two until I have all 25 done for a wallhanging for next year's season!
The end is near for the quilting on the lighthouse quilt and I will be loading that Scandinavian top in no time! (See it waiting its turn in the background?!)
This is the painting for December-all I have to do is the background and it will be done soon, too.
I am going to use a very light blue and sprinkle it with Kosher salt to form white spots to simulate snow! Stay tuned!
I haven't done much spinning lately but it patiently waits for me.....this is some FL Gulf Native on the bobbin. I had to rescue my neat roving ball the other day when one of the cats was declaring war upon it! I think I will be moving the spinner to the livingroom for the winter to entice me to sit and spin by the fire!
The last pair of socks on the needles for the year! Almost done but not quite....I did manage to complete 24 pairs this year, though!

This is how I am savoring my New Year's Eve.........my knitting , my kitties and at home!
Bill is sleeping in his recliner! I am very thankful for the past year-for the pleasant moments and the challenges. I am looking forward to the new year; I am filled with hope for a good future!
Since you are reading this post, I know we are connected in some way;
I wish you a very happy New Year
and leave you with a quote from the apostle Paul
who had plenty of reasons to complain but instead gave us this verse-
“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12)