Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve!

I've wanted this for some time and with a birthday Amazon card from my sis, it's now mine! 
 It even has an inner pocket to hold all the non-chart pages!
It was quite handy to finish a cut hat for Ella.
I want to make one to  match her younger brother, too, but it will only match in style not in color!
It is a very fun pattern with tons of sizes!
(The Striped Aviator pattern) 
 Red and green abounds in the yard!
Turks cap.

           And with nothing on the needles that is enticing me right now-I made a new Bible cover!
                                     It's time to go and watch 'It's a Wonderful Life!'d
                                                          Merry Christmas all!


  1. Merry Christmas, Cindy and Bill! Hope you have a wonderful day. Give Lena a hug from us!

  2. Love all the red in the garden! Merry Christmas!

  3. happy christmas to you and your family (including the cats:)! the song with the frightful weather matches ours just now - no snow, just storm and wind - the right weather to snuggle up with a cup of tea, some christmas cookies and my knitting....

  4. That is a great hat pattern! I hope this new year brings you knitting that inspires you!

  5. Merry Christmas! I love the hat. My goodness your stitches are even!!!! I love your pattern holder!!


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