Monday, December 5, 2016

Soft and Warm

 I used some vintage fabric in the stash to make some window valances for a nursery.
 And then I set to work on the pinwheel quilt.  I was very disappointed I didn't catch any kitties with my contact paper!
 I have a now have a pile of quilts that need their bindings sewn on!  (I am hoping the new quilt on the frame without the trap, won't be inviting to any naughty kitties!)
The Close to You shawl with the two lace weight yarns saw some progress tonight.  I need to knuckle down and finish that vest but I am not feeling like it!  So unlike me but that's the way it is!  It is a bit fiddly to change the colors in the middle of the row like this but it is working nicely and I do like the way it looks AND since I didn't have enough of either color alone, this is ideal.


  1. I love that vintage material! The pinwheel quilt was always one of my favorites. I really like how you quilted it. I am intrigued by a lace weight shawl that changes colors. That is a real adventure in knitting!

  2. You have VERY smart kitties! LOL

    The shawl is coming along very nicely.

  3. Your shawl color change is perfection! Love it. I change projects too

  4. Cats are such stinkers, and too smart for their own good -- or at least for ours. 😊

    Fun to be making a shawl that is so unique from others you've done!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....