Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fernandina Beach After Hurricane Hermine!

I finished the SU socks for Jared, my WA state son, on the way to Fernandina Beach to visit Caleb and family!  We waited until the storm was past us and then drove north to spend time with them during the tail end of the storm!
These are size 16 socks-they used almost all of the 100g ball of Opal yarn!
I have just a small ball of yarn left for my sock yarn blanket! 
They are playing in the shallow area the sand bar made so all the waves and riptides were far out beyond them!  The water was warm and inviting. 
It was even more invigorating being by the ocean after it has been kicked up from a storm! 
We visited at low tide;  enjoying the remains of beach erosion and the shells and shark's teeth left behind! 
The waves weren't as big as expected but still beautiful!   
Besides the shells, there were starfish to collect-they took a beating in the surf. 
And there were quite a few horseshoe crab shells-the seagulls pick them clean very quickly! 
This one was as big as a helmet!  
Unfortunately, they stink so we left the it for someone else to collect! 
Here are the few treasures I collected;  it was a great beach time! 
This morning we took a walk on the local greenway.
It was pretty steamy and didn't take long for us to head back to our air conditioning!
It's always nice to go and visit. 
And it is always nice to arrive home again and check out the grounds after the storm.
We had 2" of rain is all....disappointing but a fact.
Bill had scraped out our pond  when it was so dry in anticipation of the mega-rain we hoped for. 
The rain smoothed out most of his tractor tracks and filled up a little.  If 2" can do this, can you imagine the hoped for 15" would have done?! 
The banana grove didn't fair too well .  Two trees with fruit collapsed-I hope they will ripen okay on the counter because that is where they are headed! 
My wonderful 'drive' up the oaks was clear and unscathed which was wonderful news!
We are grateful that we didn't get hit with the damage that was possible in a hurricane.
This season isn't over until December so there's always the next one!


  1. Happy to hear you all made it through the storm. Your beach photos are wonderful!

  2. Happy you didn't have too much damage.

    We LOVE Fernandina Beach. We are headed there in October for my birthday!

  3. I liked everything in this post except the banana tree -- that is sad. :(

    Hopefully you'll get some nice, steady rain soon...

  4. So glad no big troubles for yoU!

  5. Well, my praye4s were answered at least. I asked God to let you hurricane go around you as much as possible so you'd be safe. Whew! :)

    Size 16? And you go them to match, too. I am impressed!

  6. sometimes I find our "blah" weather annoying - but at least we don't get any hurricanes over here! can't win them all? pity about the bananas - but maybe they do ripen? maybe it helps if you put them in a bag with a ripe apple or tomatoes - I read that it helps ripen bananas....

  7. Such lovely ocean scenes -- and beautiful children.
    I love the zippered bags you've been making. I'm trying to learn that same zipper style.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....