Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Color in the Yard

 These azaleas are very early this year and several yards are already past peak but mine are in full bloom with several weeks of buds still to come!
 Heading up my driveway is a visual delight!
 We've never seen the calliandra still in bloom this time of the year, usually the January frost has killed the blooms.  It is a beautiful bush just at the end of my front porch. 
 The camillias are hanging in there though they are past prime and yet each bush has at least 18 flowers still!
The cassia has stopped flowering in my front yard but the bush way out back is still blooming!
This is really able to be stood up for a tree and Bill has some trimming and staking planned for this to improve its shape.
 You will need a scratch and sniff for this photo!
Oh, there is nothing like a citrus bloom for inhaling a smile!
 Look at this!
A mulberry;  and the first one of the year which was eaten right after this picture!
I don't know what this wild flower is, it sure makes a very pretty showing in random clumps throughout the back meadow.
It does me good to take a golf cart ride when I am color-hunting!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Last Shelf

 The last of the homeless items from cleaning under the quilt frame.  These two printer's drawers hold vintage treasures that relate to sewing.
  The space over the east facing doors called for some decoration-
 Ahhh, just what it needed!
 I have lots of antique wooden spools and bobbins of cottons and silks.
The drawer on the left is for gadgets and thimbles.
Lots of room for additions!
 Mom came over late morning so we could put together the new patio table-Lena worked along side of us keeping the chair from getting in the way!
 The tile table is just what we have been looking for!
This one will seat 6 so there will be enough room for family now!
After a bit of help from the men, we have a new gathering area for the pool patio!
Now if only some family came for a visit!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

SS Socks!

 I no sooner finished one pair of the delightful Slipped Stitch Socks when I cast on and knit away on the second pair!
 Of course, the socks are fast because they are shorties but it is also a fun pattern to clip away on with such luxury yarn!  I like the way the slipped stitches even show up on a busy yarn!  Yay!
I wish you could feel the softness but since you can't, I will give you a close-up of the yarn and stitch definition!

Stats:  2.50mm needles
toe-up knitting
Top Cat yarn from Wandering Cat (Etsy) in Spring Meadow
over 60 stitches

(So, Dee, is this your idea for the pattern?  I would love to give credit where it is due. ) 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

It's Good to be Shelved!

 Bill finally had a little energy and helped me put up the shelf over the design wall in the studio.
 All of my antique sewing treasures are back in the proper honoring display instead of in the bin.
 It is such a nice visual reminder of my rich sewing/quilting history, too.
 Now I have to put up these two old printing drawer treasures so I can display all my old wooden spools of thread in one and thimbles in the other.
They are going over the sliding glass door on the other end of my studio.
I am going to need help from Bill for this, too.
But first, I am off to art class-sitting by myself so I don't cough on anyone and then back home to bed!
Since I can't talk anyway, it will be a good study time for me!
(It is part two of the architecture lesson or I wouldn't be going!!!!) 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Crochet Completion!

When Mom and I went to buy the bins the other day, this was the real reason we went shopping was to buy the additional skein of yarn needed to finish the afghan for Caleb!
We only had to go around a little bit but still needed the whole skein to finish the job! 
(This yarn has the durability of the regular Red Heart super saver skeins but without the harshness of that yarn.  Of course, the cost is double.)
 As soon as it went on my lap to complete the last round, Lena came to claim the center of the afghan.
As every good cat human knows, I worked around her no matter how inconvenient it was!
 Once I worked the rest of that last round of single crochet, it still didn't look finished to me.
The addition of backward crochet was just the look I wanted!
Turning the pile of yarn around again was quite the feat!
 Someone had a very good nap tucked in all that loveliness.
 And now the Ocean Moods Afghan is done in time to give to Caleb tonight when they come for the weekend~
Each crocheted block measures 6" and we made it 9 blocks across (54+") and 12 down (76+")
It required the better part of 13 skeins.
Consider the debt paid, my dear son!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Bin Craziness

 Five new bins to organize the clutter than has accumulated under the quilt frame.
 I love the clean, line of bins all labeled and neat.  No having to move 'stuff' to find supplies!
 Now to sort the left over wool fabric that I will no longer use for rug hooking.
I hate to part with it but I need to be real about its value to me really.
It is not worth the space it takes up!
 Now to see if Bill is well enough to put up the over-the-design-wall shelf!
Then I will be done with the Spring Cleaning and...
...be able to load up Mom's latest quilt top!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

And the Bear Beat Goes On!

 I am using up my orphan skeins of 'chunky' yarns for baby hats-they are quick and easy and almost instant gratification.
Sometimes life isn't gratifying because circumstances get a bit overwhelming;
there is calm in knitting.  
These baby hats will go to my local hospital which leads to a   
 much more constructive action than worry.
 Mom finished her gifted quilt kit so it is all ready for me to load up on the frame and turn it into a                                                                                     quilt!
 Mom and I had to have an early start to our day;  we had to drive Lean to the vet for spaying. 
 And because the vet is halfway to JoAnns, we went there to buy some more yarn because we ran out with just half of the last row of the border to finish.  And we stopped at WalMart to buy these storage units because I told you I was in a Spring Cleaning Mode!  More on this tomorrow.  
We had to take Mom's car because mine has a dead starter. 
 And Bill has the flu so he can't fix the car right now like he always does.  
Yes, these circumstances are only part of the beat drumming on at my house....
Lena reacted to the surgery the same way I do-
she just couldn't wake up and when she finally did at 9pm tonight, 
she was terribly wonky and discombobulated!
But it is so nice to have her back here;  the house was very empty without her.
And I am writing this with a whisper because I have laryngitis!
At least I won't get the flu; 
after all, I did get the flu vaccine.........right!?
What a day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Polar Bear Club

I have been in a Spring cleaning mode around here-all the windows are sparkling clean and I have been emptying corners and removing clutter!  Be forewarned-don't hold still too long or you might be scrutinized for the dump pile!!!!

Today was a lovely afternoon knit with Mom and Linda;  I started to knit this little hat.  I found the pattern this morning and knew I had an orphan skein in the cotton basket.  Yup, Lion Brand Organic Cotton that was never used.  It was perfect to make a cute newborn hat!
                                         I finished it tonight while watching African Queen!
 And it was a bit of a race but I managed to squeak out a second hat with just a yard to spare!  I love living on the edge!  

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Catch-Up Saturday

 I finished the second hat this morning...after my daughter and grandkids left at dawn, I stayed in bed and knit and caught up with podcasts.  Nice way to ease into my day!
 When I had moved through the chores and ended up in the studio, I put the newly bound quilt and added it to the bedding laundry.
 From the dryer, it has just the right look now!  
Next in the studio, I picked out my next water color.  (in this month's issue of Birds & Blooms!)
I didn't take long to get my 5 x 7 area all drawn in.
 Then I set up my new plate for my palette and got everything ready to paint.  Lena watched but didn't try to sit up there-that shattering plate cured her , I hope! 
 This time I filled in my background color first-much easier for me to do it this way.
 I then went to work on the baby quilt and in just a few more passes, I had the meander panto completed.
 I like the way the pastel thread marries the plain block with the print ones.
I even got the quilt labeled and hand sewn to the back!

It was a full day but always it is good to be busy for me after the house is empty again!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Last Day Savor

 Lena enjoyed our slow start to the day and helped with the knitting occasionally.
 I'm ready to begin the crown of Mendia Hat #2;  much easier this time!
 The Dee's Sock is moving right along and the Top Cat yarn is so luscious to work with!
 Today was the first day Abigail felt like getting up and joining us in socializing-she has spent all week sick with the bug that has permeated our group!  (David and I are the only ones to escape!)
 Even though Bill felt rotten, he took David fishing with Linda's husband, Chuck .  They took Chuck's boat and headed out on different waterways then we have explored so it was a double good time.
                  They didn't catch any Tilapia as they hoped but they did spot these manatees!

                                             We had a wonderful, crazy and precious week.


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...