Thursday, November 2, 2017

To Keep it Close and Handy!

I have wanted one of these tabletop organizers for years-maybe a decade at least!
I was tired of the clutter on my sewing table and set to it!
I kind of winged it as I went and it went well!
 Everything is right at hand and when I want the table cleared for a bigger project, I can remove everything with just a single motion!
 Once the sewing table was cleared, 
I decided to tackle another idea that has hung around for months
 and would be very handy right now! 
 This is a project bag that is large enough to hold my
 Knitter's Pride pattern keeper/holder. 
 I am using it now for the Silver Leaves Shawl.
  It is roomy enough for the knitting and the folder-perfect!
 I wanted to avoid a zipper like I used on the small sock project bags, 
so this one just folds down.  
I used a hair rubber band for the closure and a large button my daughter found for me a few years ago. 
 I'm glad I saved it-it is just right!
I remembered to add my label but I think I am going to move it to the front layer of the fold over-
I thought it was on the right spot until I folded it-
part of the design curve! lol
It's an easy fix, at least!
I love the look of this;
it makes me happy when I see it even when I am not knitting out of it!


  1. Nice organizers! I struggle to keep everything corralled on my cutting table.

  2. Great way to be organized lady!! I love your bag has the perfect button.

  3. Such amazing sewing skills I love the holder, can't believe you just made it up! The pattern holding bag is so cute, And where did you get that tag?

  4. My desktop craft organizer is ... cluttered. shocking. I need to take a page from your book and get it in order this weekend. I like it!

  5. What a great idea! Love the organizer! The custom-sized bag is pretty, too; it’s always so nice to have something perfectly suited to a particular purpose.

  6. Great ideas, both of them. I love the fabrics, too!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!