Friday, November 17, 2017

Another 'Silver Shawlette' in Teal

 The shawl with its modifications is completed!
How light and airy it is with fingering weight yarn instead of the DK handspun yarn I used for the first shawl!
 Right off the needles it looked a bit wrinkled and stubby.
 Blocking sure works magic on a lace shawl!  This blocks out to 14" deep and 7' long (6' in the crescent shape to fit on my blocking board!)
 I didn't decrease at the leave tips but kept the stitch count high to make the shawl longer.  I also made a seamless change  to the body of the shawl by using garter stitch for the short (long !) rows to 'fill' in the body of the shawl-remember this is knit bottom up!
  I also added a yarn over edge to the top of the shawl.
I can't wait to wear this shawl-it is a perfect weight to bridge the weather from hot to a bit more moderate in our Autumn.  

I did use just a bit over one skein of KnitPicks Chroma Fingering yarn on size 7 needles.  There is enough yarn left in the skein to make a pair of socks, no problem!  


  1. Beautiful! Love the pattern and the color.

  2. I like the added eyelet edge at the top. That is a beautiful color and will look so pretty on you!

  3. It's gorgeous!

    I think crescent shawls are easier to wear than asymmetrical ones.

  4. That is just lovely. I agree that crescent shawls are easy to wear. I still haven't mastered short rows.

  5. An amazing beautiful lovely finish. WOW. Not enough accolades. I LOVE IT


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...