Monday, November 27, 2017

Whipping up Finishes

 Transformed from a sleeveless tank to a three season sweater! 
 I picked up stitches from the yoke and underarm and knit to the hem 
where I did a picot edge like the bottom of the sweater. 
 When I finished, I thought it needed to have the same hem done at the neck. 
  I picked up all the stitches and knit up and over a picot edge for there, too.
  The sweater is delicious to wear in a cotton/angora blend!
 I finished all the orange blocks for the LeMoyne blocks.
On to the grey and then I will have enough to start laying them out for the top.
 I stitched the quilted top to a backing and inserted a foam poster board
 so I can use this as a wall hanging. 
 I have the hand stitching to do now....if I work a bit at a time, it will get done!
And I have started to bring in plants for the winter! 
 I haven't had houseplants in years and it's about time I enjoyed them here, too!  


  1. Great transformation on the sweater!

    I used to have a lot of houseplants, but my current home sets at an odd angle and doesn't get adequate sun for healthy plants.

  2. Pretty sweater!!! Love the mods you made. I just brought in my houseplants and now the house is full of spiders. I should have given them all a good bath first.

  3. I love what you have done to make the green sweater your own! Im trying to have a houseplant ....please dont tell the ctas

  4. Nice transformation on the tank-sweater! It’s so great when a plan works out well. Have any of your cats tried eating your indoor plants yet?!

  5. Now that The Little's are not underfoot you are getting so much done! Beautiful sewing.

  6. Oops, I forgot that sweater is gorgeous!

  7. Many lovely projects here! The colors feel so cheerful without being overwhelming if that makes any sense. Sweater is like seafoam. Really nice.


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...