Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sweatering Still!

 I am now on the right front!  I did have some corrections to make as I sat down to this today-always a bit of a bummer.  
 I managed to fix the two rows on each side that were in purl rib back into stockinette
 (which I knew to do but didn't do it!)
 by using a crochet hook and dropping the stitch down to the right spot . 
 Maybe a bit of time but I have that now......
 The left front is off the needles-it has to be blocked 
and the 1 1/2' button band will be added to the center front
 but if you use your imagination, you can see what it is!
 Lena is enjoying my uninterrupted lap time....we had a good stupor after dinner.
Yes, she is shedding and my black pants showed that off to all it's fuzziness!
Oh, yeah.  She gave in to good nap.  I appreciated the bonding.


  1. That is so sweet! She is really adorable.

  2. What precious photos of Lena. I've never seen a spotted coat like hers: obviously she's not a tabby.

  3. I love that Lena still likes to stretch out like that — she is soooo long! She looks like a weasel or ferret or something (a cute one, of course)!

  4. Lena has certainly made herself comfy! Burton likes to sleep upside down too, but he's usually curled up and belly up like a pretzel

  5. Lena sure looks relaxed, wish we could all relax that way. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. By the way your sweater is beautiful.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!