Sunday, November 5, 2017


Bright and early, a herd of elements trooped through the room!
So much for sleeping in an extra hour! 
 I finished one little two year old sock!
  On to the second....
 We were given this curb-side-save mirror and hung it over the buffet. 
 It is VERY heavy and I needed help to get it up there
 but it looks as good as I imagined! 
 I made some soap again-I need it ready to pass out to my family;
  I haven't kept up with making soap for all of us!
One of the best parts of pumpkin carving-the seeds!
                  I just love to munch on these after a good roast in the oven!
                I started sewing the pile of pieces for the row of pink blocks! 
While it isn't my favorite color, the pink and white together does look sweet!


  1. The mirror is perfect for your buffet. I have an antique buffet (not as gorgeous as yours) that is missing the small mirror that inserts on the back. I ignore the open slot and pretend it never had a mirror.

    What toe style do you use for the little socks? Round?

  2. Your breakfront is beautiful!!!! Little socks are darling

  3. So much to love here, the soap looks good enough to eat, the buffet is drop dead gorgeous and that sock....oh, that itty bitty sock!!!

  4. It’s a good thing the cats are cute...! I haven’t done pumpkin seeds yet this season but I need to soon — I have already had a hankering for them, and your picture intensified it! The soap looks scrumptious...

  5. Such a cute little sock! The mirror looks great with your buffet. Tyg let me sleep over 8 hours last night!!

  6. My troop had me up nice and early too! Now they are all lazing about...

  7. I just adore the pictures of little Lena! She's such a beauty.


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...