Saturday, March 17, 2018

It's a Finished Object Alright!

So here's the little girl's cardigan before blocking
...and after.
It's much easier to block wools than acrylic but it is possible with a bit of steam.

I had such high hopes for this cake of yarn
I think it is made for scarves 
and NOT for sweaters.

I didn't realize when I bought it that it is DK weight so that was the first bummer.
The colors are just too jarring and not the look I can admire for a sweater.
Maybe I would use this for a Brioche project when the 'other' color would be a dark solid.
Anyway, I used almost the full cake of yarn, Lion Brand in DK weight, #6 needles.
Goodbye to this project!

(It is destined to my fancy dressing 5 yo granddaughter who will love it!
But first I need to knit a vest to match for her brother! lol)


  1. I think it will be adorable on a child. Great work on blocking acrylic!

  2. It's cute, and your granddaughter is going to love it.

  3. It turned out spectacularly!!!! The stripes are just perfect. Congrats!!!

  4. It's cute - and I'm sure it will be loved!

  5. It is gorgeous, you did a fantastic job.

  6. I think it looks GREAT! They are nice and bright colors to make a little girl (or a big girl) very happy.

  7. It is very pretty! And Ella will look fantastic in will highlight her lovely blue eyes!


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