Friday, November 2, 2018


The sleeves are on waste yarn and I am working down the body of my sweater.
It is such a reduction in stitches that I feel like I am flying past each round now!
Another beautiful bit of purple in my home is this group of orchids!


  1. I love to make top down sweaters. You get that miserable yoke out of the way and you do seem to fly.

  2. Beautiful orchid!

    I can't believe that my phal that I bought for $5.00 is going to bloom again this year. I could NEVER keep a phal alive in Florida. All my other orchids did great, but not phals. I'm over the moon! LOL

  3. Love the color of this new sweater. I have not played with yarn since last Sunday, I need to get on it!

  4. It is so fun to watch a sweater becoming a sweater! Such a pretty color, too. The orchids are lovely.


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