Friday, February 9, 2024


One in a newborn size and one in a toddler. 
 I used acrylic worsted weight yarn from the stash.  

Thanks to Tina for the inspiration to give this hat a try--it was fun to mix garter with stockinette!  
These two hats (and one more I can get out of this skein)
 will go in the donation box.

(No, I am not even up to 20% of my normal yet in this bout of Covid.  That is one of the hardest parts of having an auto-immune disease; there is nothing to fall back on when you get sick! )


  1. Such sweet hats!
    It took my sister months to get back to normal after her bout with it and she doesn't have any underlying conditions. It's such a nasty bug. Take care and take it easy.

  2. Those hats are nice. It seems that these latest strains of Covid are much harder to shake. Do take care.

  3. Sweet hats!!
    Sorry for the long recovery .. are you a TV watcher? Found any good shows?

  4. The Barley Hat is such a cute pattern. Some lucky baby will love having one of your creations. I'm so sorry that you still feel so yucky. Over a year after having Covid, I still have unexplained bouts of exhaustion where if I'm sitting down, I'm asleep. I'll feel like I'm slogging through mud just trying to get through the day. Other times I'm fine.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Those look like nice, warm, squishy hats!

  6. Great hats! It’s satisfying to make thing to place in the donation box. Take care and continue to rest as much as you can.

  7. Hats are cute and will be well received when you donate them. Sorry about the Covid, hope you feel better soon.

  8. They are so sweet... sending you more well wishes to get better... you are certainly trying hard not to let it beat you! Hang in there xx

  9. Hoping you are finding your strength return soon. I have that pattern, must revisit it during my hat making bouts.


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