Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Just before lunch yesterday, I took a walk around the driveway loop;  it was 62*F and there was such warmth in the sunshine!
Bill pulled a chair out for me and I ate my lunch right here! 
 It was wonderful!
Lena was happy to be with me outside; 
 she even walked around the loop with me!
She took a bit of a wash--
and then a good roll!
No, I didn't sew all of these blocks but after a good long rest,
I did sew the bottom left blue one--finally!  

(I am back on an antibiotic which is giving me the boost I needed to fight the swollen tonsils and pneumonia in one lung.  My body has been working so hard to fight the Covid, it got overwhelmed!)


  1. Sending healing thoughts your way. Lena is so cute. Mabel loves to roll on the cement of the patio - even when it is 20 degrees out!

  2. It's amazing what sunshine and good antibiotics can do!

  3. That must have felt wonderful! In every old movie they always roll the sick folks out in the sun everyday as part of their cure. There must have been something in that beyond just feeling so good.

  4. Every little bit of uprightness will help. Hopefully by this time next week you will be much better.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!