Tuesday, February 20, 2024


It was a short walk, just around the driveway loop, 
but it was a walk!  I had seen the azaleas from the house
 and just had to go out and see the fluorescent beauty of squatting right down with them!
There are all kinds of blooming bromeliads to enjoy, too.
Lots of calliandra blooms still.
The camellia bushes are still full of flowers!
Even the big pink ones.
The Turk's Caps are pleasing to the hummers--yes, we have a few all winter.
I came in after the one loop but I did love the fresh brisk 49*F air!  I was ready for the recliner and some rest!

(Today was week 3 of Covid pleasures.  I had to call the dr about the swollen, goose egg tonsils and they called in some antibiotics for me.  I'm hoping this will be just what I need to edge ahead of this virus!)


  1. Being outside and getting fresh air is always a good thing. I hope you feel better soon ☺️

  2. Gorgeous flowers. Hoping the fresh air has helped your healing.

  3. Good for you! I'm sure three weeks of that misery has been a trial. That is one nasty bug. Your flowers are gorgeous. If the frost doesn't get them, my camellias are going to have a great year too. They are loaded with buds.

  4. Seeing the gorgeous blooms and breathing fresh air was just what your spirit needed. Take good care of yourself.

  5. Beautiful flowers! hopefully the walk helps with the healing!

  6. Well done with going out for your little walk... bit by bit you will get there... lovely flowers! xx


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