Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the Weaving Seat

I finally had time to sit and weave up the last of the warp for plastic bag totes. It was so good to sit after the break while on vacation. But now the loom is empty and needing a new warp and another project-perhaps the ribbon 'yarn' I have.......
Thought you would be interested in the way Bill chose to insulate the original part of the cement block house. The men glued 2" styrofoam onto the blocks. The sanded the whole wall to even out the surface, then they work on the window sills to reinforce it with cement. Today they glue a fiberglass webbing to the whole wall so it will be ready to receive the stucco. Neat idea-it sure makes a difference to the insulating factor of the house which was zilch before we added any! The back of the house faces east and gets the full impact of the sun all morning and the front faces west to get baked all afternoon-now we have the beauty of the sun without the baking affects! Perfect.


  1. Love the bags...I'll have one of each, thanks. :)

    Wow, look at the difference between old house/new house!

  2. Hey great colors..nice bags. Great idea for insulation, you must notice quite a difference in the house since it was done.
    If I could figure out how to email a live I would do They are just adorable.
    Glad you had a nice holiday with the kids. Hard saying goodbye isn't it.

  3. Great job getting the totes off the loom! You seem to be excellent at finishing things! (Me, not so much.) The colors are great!

    That's great that your stucco project also makes the house more comfortable. My husband did a bunch of insulation and solar screening last summer, and it made the house much more comfortable. Plus, it's nice to be green too!

    Weave on!


  4. I am loving your marvelous weaving! The colors are fabulous:)

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished stucco work as I adore how the front looks:)


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