Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stucco Update

We came home to an exciting sight-the front of the house is all stucco-ed!

Now the arches are not arches and Bill says it is what happens when you allow men to work when you are not there to supervise. The contractor will fill in the angles and make them curves, he apologized for the mix up. They are working on the back of the house today. The end is in sight!!!!

We came home to a wonderful thunderstorm; in fact we got over 4" of rain while we were gone; it is a good thing to love to come home-it helps with the sting of the goodbyes that end a wonderful week.....

Many thanks to the Lord for safe travel-we saw a terrible accident on the way up and was almost involved in one ourselves on the way home. The traffic was mild all the way until we got to our own little city and hit a major jam for over an hour. This was why-a trucker fell asleep at the wheel and drove through the fruit stand! Can you believe no one was injured-not even the driver!


  1. Your house looks lovely, very grand.

  2. Grrr on the arches but glad it's going to be remedied! Lovely to see it all stucco-ed.

    ...and very glad that you are home safe and sound.

  3. The arches that aren't do have a sort of 'ranch house charm' to them; but I know that's not what ya'll were looking for.

    It all looks very wonderful.

  4. To my northern eyes, when I first looked at the house pictures I thought I saw a light dusting of snow on the ground.....then I realized it was sand!!

    It's looking good!



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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...