Friday, July 10, 2009

Shamed to Admit It......

But I saw this bag of plastic bags on the way out of WalMart in their recycling pile and I wanted them; too embarassed to walk over and look through the pile, Bill did it for me! Now that is love.

I sorted through the pile and took out the ones I wanted.
And organized them, and the rest go back to the store. Until next time............


  1. We have made a FINE garbage picker out of you!!! :)

  2. Not garbage picker-that's Dad; I am only the garbage coveter!!!

  3. Ha ha, garbage coveter and her sidekick the garbage picker! Hey you got yourself some nice bags though! :D

  4. The last picture is the pile you're keeping, right? They seem like great colors!!


  5. My daughter the dumpster diver? No the dare devil of a son-in -law, oh yeah! He is sooo good to you.


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