Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stucco Started!

After many false starts..........the stucco finish is going on!

It is just what we hoped it would look like!

Tomorrow, we are heading to Georgia to visit Bruce and Marsel and the grandkids for a week. I will be blogging from there. The guys are going to keep working on the house while we are gone-we will be coming home to a finished exterior on the house; even arches on the front veranda!

( The expectation and excitement of seeing the house will soften the pain of saying goodbyes!)


  1. Absolutely beautiful!!!

    Sorry you have to leave it...but not sorry enough to excuse you and let you stay...hurry, hurry! :)

  2. Yay!!! Great that the project is coming together!


  3. Lookin' good! It will be fun to come home to the finished project. Have fun with Marsel and family. :D


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