Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Short and Sweet

A sock out of handspun Finn wool, number 2 needles and a new pattern from Wendy Johnson's book Socks from the Toe Up.  Fast knitting, pleasing knitting.  One down and one to go.......


  1. that cat looks as if she's saying: don't you dare take the quilt away:)) you've been very productive, lots of finished projects to show! I love your totes, I have only used bin liners for a crochet bag, not woven... and the pi shawl is lovely (they do say practice makes perfekt - maybe much faster also?:)) pat yourself on the back - you deserve it!

  2. Looks warm and cozy!! (Something I'll definitely need in a matter of weeks!)


  3. I love the color of those socks! And the pattern along the top part is cool too.

  4. Looks like a great sock to go with jeans. :D Do you fizzle out before the second sock is finished? Gals at a shop in town always said they were not excited anymore when it came to knitting the second sock.

  5. I love the color and Wendy's patterns are extraordinary! You did well. Are you ever tempted to wear your handknit socks with shorts just so everyone can see them?

  6. JESSICA! Don't suggest it! It was bad enough when she got David the clear boots to wear over his socks. :)

    I can attest to the fact that this sock is even more amazing in person -- the texture of the yarn is so nice.

  7. Thanks for the help moving! We all have become pros at the whole process.
    Love, Caleb


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Remember last summer when Bill and I built the 'old ladder lattice' and planted wisteria at the two sides?  Well, there are flowers!...