Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two Steps Forward and one leap back......

The weaving is going great!  It is such a joy to be able to weave and get the warping over with!!!!

This is a lace pattern and it is well, lacey!

Nyki jumped up here and tried to act nonchalant over and over!

I have a quilting project on the frame  for 6 weeks but I have been frozen over the decision of what design to quilt.  After such success on the loom, I thought, "Now, enough is enough! You can do it!"  I did!  I worked for half an hour and then when I rolled the quilt forward for the next section, I saw this.............wretched loops.  I forgot the cardinal rule when on a new project-do a little and check the back so you can make tension corrections. In my zeal, I didn't check the back.  I turned off the machine and walked away.  Back to the weaving and will rip out the stitching on another day.........


  1. Aww! Man! At least the weaving is coming along very nicely! Don't you just love weaving lace?

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I feel your pain! I SO wish I lived close enough to come over after lunch and help you...then we'd have lots of laughs that would ease the pain of ripping out...

    But the weaving is beautiful finally!

  3. Yay for the two steps forward.
    And BOO for that nasty one step back. One of my favorite quilts was stipple quilted, and the ENTIRE thing had/has loops. Honestly, I thought about removing it, but left it. (It's a wall quilt with applique.)

  4. Oooohhh!! I'm SO sorry! I absolutely despise ripping out stitches, so it's a good thing you're not me, because it would probably be sitting there another 6 months+ before I touched it again! Actually, I'd probably wait till my mom came to fix it for me! :o)

  5. The weaving is beautifuly lacy! Awwww man on the loopy back. Sounds like my problem yesterday. NOT FUN!

  6. The weaving looks great!!

    Ripping out seams....ugh! Knitting is absolutely the most fun to dismantle.

    If I know you, you'll have that quilt ripped out and re-sewn lightning fast. (Or it will seem lightning fast to me, even if it doesn't to you.)

    Good luck!!!


  7. Nyki is one cute kitty!! I visit with a little blk kitten when I pick up horse feed that reminds me of yours. She is just the sweetest thing and always playing.
    Can relate to the one step forward then I am on standby right now with the kids move. Can't wait to get back into sewing mode again.
    Judi B.

  8. when I see this I am quite glad that I only have dogs... I'd be afraid that the cat might pull threads! but it looks lovely so far! the ripping - yeah, I can relate to that - just had to do it with embroidery, and no time to stall, because it is URGENT! but at least you have a project that's running smoothly - to relax after the ripping:))


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.