Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tranquiltiy of Sock Knitting

I finished one sock out of the second skein of Finn wool which I have spun.  This one will be for Marsel as her nights are getting cool and I want to send her a sock hug!  I used an addition strand of spun nylon for the heel area-she is notorious for wearing out the bottom of her heels.........it is the bony way her feet are made.  When I make an identical pair for myself , they last forever so it has to be her own particular unique feet and not the yarn itself that is the cause.  (I will overdye the heels to make them blend in. )
 A fun experiment for me!

Nyki helped me inspect the second sock when I took a pic for a Ravelry group for Wendy Johnson knitters.  She is quite the assistant!


  1. I so want to learn to do toe up socks, I place a book on order in the library so hopefully I will be able to get myself to a point I can knit them. I love the pattern really pretty, I'm sure she will love them. I know I would, hehe..

  2. My feet are quivering in anticipation! (or maybe they're just shaking in the cold...) Either way, I'm excited about a new pair for the colder seasons!

  3. Sooo cute! Marsel is very fortunate :D

  4. Sooo cute! Marsel is very fortunate :D

  5. Very nice. Do you really need to overdye the heel? Who's going to see it? Unless, of course, Marsel wears them with backless shoes.

  6. Those will look so nice on Marsel, the color will suit her. Especially, with shorts!


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...