Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday's Wanderings

Caleb came for an overnighter after spending a week in Orlando for Asst Manager Training.  He did very well and really enjoyed it.  Yes, he has been an asst mgr for two years but this just worked out to send him now.........the timing was perfect actually, and he had a great time.
As long as he was here, the guys planned a golf date.  Matthew came down for the day and away they went!
I warped up a new weaving on the rigid heddle-it is going to be a free form tapestry with shells for a wall hanging.  It went pretty well warping it up alone.  (I wove away on my golden cloth, too, very satisfying.)
I finished the second half of the alpaca scarf and then
grafted the two halves together.  Voila!  This scarf is ssssssssssoooooooooo soft!  I will be tossing it in the dye pot Monday.
I put out my Fall decorations.  The cats were a LOT of help. 
This guy cranked through here just before dinner.  He moved very quickly for a tortoise! ( We didn't see a hare anywhere!)  A great meal and a game of Wahoo closed out the day.........oh, yeah; Bill won at golf and there was no containing him!  It is good to assert yourself as the older generation every once and a while!


  1. What a nice day -- peaceful, projects, and family, too!

  2. I love the scarf. What color are you dying it?

    You're one busy lady.

  3. Got to love our hobbies. You have such a variety of them you sure will never be Always look forward to seeing what your working on next.
    We have a pond also so there are always turtles wandering around. That is all well and good until hubby wants to cut the grass. Keeps him busy getting on and off the mower to move them. They never seem to move ther right way when he is out

    Enjoy the day..Judi

  4. What color does that beautiful scarf want to be??


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....