Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Senior Outing

Travel knitting-on the way to St Augustine for a MRI for Bill's foot-yes, problems again.
I am working on remembering how to do some double knitting.  I am practicing on a dish cloth-this is attempt number two!  I've got it now! 
After the doctor's and a stop at Hobby Lobby for some essential oils  for my soap making, we went a bit south to our favorite beach side restaurant, SouthBeachGrill.
We ate on the outside deck, the breeze made it a perfect temperature for eating, talking and being. 
We drove on the beach ramp right next to the restaurant to take a 2 mile trek south.  
What a great way to blow the cobwebs from your brain.
The beach was almost empty and it was so peaceful. 
Welcome to the beach, my Ford Escape!  It was his first visit to the beach.  We made sure and left some sand inside so that we will get to visit the beach again-a famous talisman of Bill's Mom-and today just happened to be her birthday.  (She passed away almost 20 years ago now...)
We parked near the Matanza's Entrance and took a walk toward the was at low tide and it was a long way to walk.  Just beautiful. 
There was a good northeasterly wind and it really whipped up the water!  The water was still very warm and so we enjoy standing and watching the water for a good while. 
We tried to do a selfie with my camera-not one on a smart phone mind you, but a real camera!  It was very funny!  This one is mine.... 
And this is Bill's.  He is trying to find the button and I am 'helping'!  This so captures us as a couple!


  1. Lol! I love it! Hope all is good with Bill's foot

  2. How much do I love those selfies? Really cute. (Random but I really like Bill's sunglasses) I've never double-knit before it sounds intimidating though! I will put it on my someday, one day list. It really sounds like a fabulous day, aside from the foot problems :( I hope everything is alright.

  3. Sweet selfies! I can't even imagine how nice it would be to have a beach to yourself not to mention to have one you can drive up to. Awesome!

  4. It still surprises me to see your new vehicle -- my brain still unconsciously puts you in the Toyota! Ah, the beach... good for what ails you, mind and body.

    The selfies...hmmm...let's just say that your son in law had a good chuckle over those! :)

  5. It still surprises me to see your new vehicle -- my brain still unconsciously puts you in the Toyota! Ah, the beach... good for what ails you, mind and body.

    The selfies...hmmm...let's just say that your son in law had a good chuckle over those! :)


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!