Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Little Feet!

Kai helped me knit this morning!  In  a matter of minutes he chewed my circular needle, pulled the yarn, turned off the news on my laptop and stole a key from the keyboard!  He went back to his cage for a reboot!  I fixed the keyboard and needle and put the pulled stitch back in place.
Just a nice quiet morning! (I'm turning the heel on the Undine tonight!)
After dinner tonight, we went for a ocean visit to let it blow the cobwebs from our brains
It was wonderful.  Caleb drew me another shark tooth circle but then I began to find my own shark's teeth without help!
It was exhilarating!
This is what we found tonight!  I found half of them!  Caleb says I have been promoted from Apprentice Fourth Class to Novice!  Yippee! 
Here is my haul compared to the biggest one Caleb has found!  Wow, huh?! 
Today is Day One of another KAL I am participating in with the FiberPusherPodcast group on Ravelry.  It is any kind of hand covering.  I am working a pair of tip to cuff mittens in two color knitting.  The pattern is Hippocampus.  I am using a cuff to tip pattern so I have to read it upside down and do a bit of improvising with the symbols but it is working out!  I didn't get a ton of knitting time today but snuggle count, too! 
It is going to be interesting to see how it shapes up.  I'm using two leftover skeins of Stroll Tonal from KnitPicks from the stash.


  1. Kai is so cute. He and Giroux really seem to like "helping".

    The shark teeth are really cool. Did Caleb find the biggest one in Fernandina Beach? That must have been one heck of a shark!

  2. So is Kai making you want a bird again or reminding you why it's more fun to visit grand-birds and then go home without them?! :)

    Congrats on your shark tooth skills! Very exciting!

    That pattern looks like it will be beautiful. Stroll Tonal yarns are always so pretty.

  3. Naughty bird-but too cute to be too much trouble. Your sharks teeth are making me want to go to the beach. Right now I am going to soak my spots in some sea salt. It's been helping.
    Love that new project. I can't wait for mitten weather!

  4. Your bird is an instigator. hehe. Congratulations on your promotion to Novice! Those shark teeth are amazing. I can see your mittens are going to be lovely already. Love your color choice. The picture of the ocean makes me wistful.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.