Monday, September 7, 2015

Non-fiber Pursuits

I used a dab of school glue to adhere the shark collection to this 5 x 7 frame.  I used some fabric that looked like sand for the background!  It is hanging in my studio to remind me of the great visit to Fernandina Beach! 
I've been watching YouTube to teach me how to water color.  It is very satisfying to see the different results just a little bit of water can make!  It is waking a part of my brain that has been waiting a long time to awaken!


  1. Isn't You Tube wonderful? I am always watching people do amazing things that I want to learn. I was looking at calligraphy videos just the other night. I used to watercolor way back when. When I retired I bought tons of art supplies in case I ever got the art bug but it hasn't really bitten yet.
    I love what you did with the shark's teeth. My mom had some of hers put in paperweights. I have no idea how she did that.

  2. The watercolors are beautiful! Fun way to display the sharks' teeth, too.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!