Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cabled Mitts

 The SilverSpun Cabled Mitts are finished.
 I did a good job of knitting them to the right yardage because I only had a few yards leftover!
 I wanted the cuff as long as possible without running out of yarn!
 I used number 3 needles for the body of this sport weight yarn.
 It is v e r y  stretchy so it is a bit strange knitting with this yarn but the fit is like a wonderful massage-just right!
 I did rewrite the whole pattern-it was written out of order which is so difficult to follow and even so had so many errors it was a bit of a exercise to knit.
  It will be ready to knit next time now that I tossed the original pattern!  
 I am working along on the  Elevations Shawl-it is growing nicely but it is growing longer than wider-it is looking more like  scarf than a shawl.
  Has anyone knit this?
 Do you have any advice for me?!
  I have read and re-read the instructions and I do not see where I am doing anything wrong!
 Oh, well, I don't mind a shawl that wraps around several times!
Giving you all an Autumn welcome to my front door!


  1. Those mitts are just perfect! I love where that shawl is going even though it's got you worried. The striping is very pretty.

  2. The mitts are beautiful, and I love the play of the colors in your shawl.

  3. How interesting that the yarn has silver woven in it. I love the mitts. The Wallaby pattern is also confusing & needs to be rewritten before knitting can commence.

    I love how your shawl looks with the color changes.

  4. Lovely mitts.

    And ....very cute front door looking all ready for Halloween.

  5. #1 your mitts are amazing
    #2 love to see your front door!
    #3 Pumpkin time YES

  6. Your cable mitts are fabulous and fill me with some healthy envy. ha! Your front door looks good. I'm feeling the fall vibes for sure!

  7. Those mitts came out so well! Too bad you had to do so much work to get the pattern straightened out. But it was worth it. And how cool is it to have silver in the yarn. I bet they are gorgeous.

  8. Mitts are lovely
    As for the shawl... shawls like that are very skinny at the start...just make sure you're doing the increasing on it and it will get wider... though they do tend to be more scarf or shawlette-like.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!