Thursday, May 31, 2018

PSA #2

And she is now down for the count with a migraine.
Job, I am feeling your shadow.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


A Public Service Announcement:

I woke in the wee hours of the 29th with vertigo and severe spinal pain.
Slept for 27 hours...
I am upgraded from near death to impaired.
Such an interesting word to describe such a miserable state for the human body.
I missed my oldest son's birthday; 
first time I haven't spoken to him on his birthday in his 38 yrs.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Jerry Rigging....

 The longarm machine I have (APQS Ultimate I, 20+ yrs old) uses a stylus to trace a pantograph.
I have a hard time keeping my view consistent so I wanted a laser light for more accuracy.
 I had to find a laser light with an on/off switch, used a bit of electrical tape to narrow the size of the light on the paper and then taped it onto the stylus!  Now as for the skewer -it is helping to hold the laser light mounting bolt in place-the apparatus that held it in place inside the housing of the machine came apart many years ago.  This way is not ideal mechanically but it works!  I can happily quilt for an hour now and it is a dream even if it doesn't look shiny bright! lol
 Yes, it works just fine-so nice to make a mile and see the progress when you don't have to keep stopping to fix your equipment!
 In fact, one down.......
and one to go!
On the sewing front, I finished the other 'row' of frogs and am now working on the individual ones.
I leave some of the tear away stabilizer on the wrong side-those frog toes just won't let go!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Take a Walk!

 In my front yard, we can take a walk by the ground filler called caterpillar plant,
 past my cactus rose which is in full bloom,
 stop to admire my staghorn fern in the cedar table,
 along the Egyptian irises,
 and then linger at the rain lily which has a wonderfully fragrant bloom!

On my potting table is this plant which was given to Bill,  it has a very cool stalk, a big leaf and an orange bloom-my favorite color for flowers!
 Another plant he picked up that was unknown, now has a bloom so we know it is a passion flower!
It is covered in blooms that are really pretty, too!
And look at the new addition in the pool patio;
an incredible orange canna lily in an incredible pot-
thank you, my Georgia peaches for this beautiful reminder of your love!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Add a Star

I'm glad to say the addition of the next row went off without an unforeseen hitch!
I am easily able to long tail cast on my stitch count
and then pick up the two sides of the hexagons below to complete my required number of stitches.
Since these are knit from the outside in,
I use the magic loop like I do for socks-no dpns for me!

Friday, May 25, 2018

A Long View

Abigail and I took some time for art work while little one napped.  It is so nice to pull out the watercolors and have a partner to work with on the canvases. 
And just like that, my GA peaches are headed back home.
We filled up our days with laughter and language and languishing by the pool......
The boys will miss them as much as I do-they had doting cousins to keep them entertained all of their waking hours.  We will spend the day slowly adjusting to the emptiness.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

On the Way to Quilted

 And the boys are diverted a bit from my constant attention
 so that I was able to load a new quilt from the queue to the frame.
And I loaded the newest panto from WillowLeafStudios for this quilt!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Delightful Diversions!

 My Georgia peaches stopped in for a quick visit-what a wonderful belated Mother's Day gift! 
We started a sewing project during naptime;  a bucket organizer for the sewing table.
 And we finished it today!  
Just waiting to hold all the sewing job essentials! 
 Marsel, my daughter, had the bright idea to add a ruched fabric cover to the plastic handle 
(this is an ice cream plastic tub) .
Now it really looks finished!
And this wonderful little treat kept us energized through the process! :')

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Another Pair!

The colors look like candy stripes-
I thought of the old Fruit Stripes gum 
but my daughter said it reminded her of the candy Sprees. 
 I think it depends on your generation!   lol

2 Ancient skeins of KnitPicks yarn called Simple Stripes in colorway Partie. 
 (I think it was a forerunner to the Felici line)
#2.5mm needles over 60 stitches.
Simple stockinette
short row heels over 60% of stitches
2" of 1x1 ribbing at cuffs.
1 1/2 skeins used for perfectly matched socks

Monday, May 21, 2018

Frog Jump!

I started happily sewing the blocks together and when I finished the second row,
I realized I had skipped a BIG step-
doing the applique stitch with invisible thread on each and every block! 
 It was not so much fun to try and stitch around all those fingers
 with all those other blocks still attached!  
But I persevered and have one row done.....and I ran out of my sewing time!
At least now I know what I have to do - 
and each one needs to have stabilizer which I know I do not have enough of--
good thing I have to take the boys for a visit today so I can get some more from WalMart during my wait!

Sunday, May 20, 2018


And another modular knitting project is on the needles!
I whipped this first of its kind off the needles in a surprisingly short amount of time.
It will have a hexagon shape once this polygon is joined to its neighbor.
I picked up stitches to join block 2 to this one;  the pattern is not written this way;
directions instruct you to knit a pile of these shapes and stitch them together after the fact.
Not for me!!!!!

I colored in a 'map' so I could know where I was going with the leftover DK yarn I have.
It works out in my head so I will let you know how this genius way to attach each block
works when I reach the second row!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

A New Vintage Heirloom!

 The stamped cross stitched quilt my neighbor made from the 12 blocks her Mom had made decades ago, is now an almost completed quilt! 
 Millie does her own binding in short order. 
 This is going to be a treasured quilt, I'm sure.
I used a pantograph from WillowLeafStudio called Mikaela.
In the choosing of a quilt design for a top you always have to weigh in balance the design,
 space and either subtlety or accent by the stitching.
So for this quilt I wanted a less dense pattern that would be subtle (I used an off-white thread which is also very traditional!)
 so the cross stitching wouldn't be overshadowed. 
 I also liked the occasional heart
 because this is filled with the love of stitching by both Millie and her Mom.
I am glad I could add life to this tribute to both women!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Still Raining!

We've still been having a lot of rain-4 inches over the last few days!
 I'm really enjoying the modular knitting!  
These scallops move right along in a reasonable amount of time, 
especially the time allotments I have available!
 A bowl of promise-another skein of silk, this time in sport weight. 
 Another cowl is going to happen with this skein, too.
After a visit-blowing off some energy throwing rocks at the wide river!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Storm with Smiles

 After picking up my yarn and fabric at JoAnnFabrics,
 we grabbed some lunch and headed to the beach.
 It was stormy looking....cloudy and blustery but that didn't inhibit the boys at all!
It was to moist to knit on the beach! 
 I couldn't believe how sticky everything became within minutes!
So I knit on the way home instead-after a using a wipe to clean the beach's salty air from my hands! 
Such a long day but a wonderful time for all of us!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Waiting and Knitting

 We woke up to a light rain this morning....
the weather men were conferring over the conditions.
In the background, you can see the Magnolia tree.
 It is a towering giant in the front yard.
 Bill picked me a tight bud last night;  this morning it was beginning to open.
 By 9am, it was fully open and it was a heady aroma!
(When I came home 4 hours later, my room was and still is delicious smelling!!!!) 
 During visit time, I sat in the car during the drizzling weather.  I worked on a sock.
 I ran into a knot, rudely placed interrupting the flow of the stripes!  Grrrr.  I rolled ahead and found the right spot to continue the pattern. 
I bound off during the dinner prep waiting time in the evening. 

Technical stuff--I tried some new things with this sock; 
I started the toe with 14 stitches instead of 12
           then worked up to 60 stitch count on 2.5mm needles
                      when I hit the heel position, I slipped three stitches on each end of the front needle to                    the back so that instead of the usual use of half of the stitches for heel stitches,
because I increased the count to 60% of the stitches so
 I worked the heel over 36 stitches in this instance. 
 I worked a short row heel and that was straight forward. 
 The fit is nicer I think and I will be doing this on all future socks.  
(there was more room in the heel area and it wasn't so tight.)

Monday, May 14, 2018

A Special Gift

Look what is blooming tonight!
The Cereus has sent a gift of its wonderfully
aromatic bloom!
This was taken at 7pm.
I darted outside to sit and breathe its sweetness and admire its incredible construction!
The best time is around 12-3am but I will settle for a 10pm viewing! lol
I'm sure the fairies enter the yard from these blooms!
I could try my hand at a child's storybook with this bloom as the impetus for the story line!
Are you imaginative?
I'm not the only one attracted to this nighttime delight!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Rabbit Hole and a Golf Hole......

You know how it goes, an email with a picture and a link and next thing you know, you are sitting with a YouTube video going in front of you while you sit with some yarn to try it out!
I am making triangles into clamshells.........
and I found a wonderful new knitting teacher as a bonus!
See how it is working out?
I thought it would make a cute baby blanket for practice;
 to see if I want to make one with some
scraps of DK yarn.
I think that it would be a great scrap sock yarn blanket, too!
Oh, is a dangerous rabbit hole!
Anyone want to do a KAL?

Friday, Bill and Will had an adventure;  they used tickets they were gifted to go and be a part of the
TPC Sawgrass  held just an hour away.  

Will was especially excited to see the real men they see on the tv golf game;  he got his wish! 
 It was a long and steamy day but both enjoyed themselves immensely!
Will also enjoyed some real-time club and ball time!
When he met up with his dad-
A three generation shot in front of the TPC Sawgrass Country Club.
Matthew goes each year to entertain corporate guests of Sherwin Williams, his employers.
Will loved to have the opportunity to have a tour from his own dad!
He thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience;  
being quiet was no problem for this little fan.
He was so happy to tell me that everyone was nice there and glad to see him!
I'm sure they were, BoyWonder!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...