Saturday, September 25, 2021


The binding has been sewn on both quilts; 
 I will be washing and drying them and adding another
 I've already made to send out the box to the Quilts for Kids.
The stitches were picked up for the back and front;  
I've even knit the ribbing on the front 
and at least picked up stitches on the back.  
I'm thinking of adding length to the back for a split hem 
which is always easier to wear to be kind to a thick middle! lol 
 I hope to even have the seams sewn up today!


  1. Hope the sweater cooperates with you this time!

  2. Such happy quilts!
    Fingers crossed for the sweater completion. I also like a split hem. They just look better.

  3. Oh what sweet quilts. The kids will love them. Thank you for making them.
    As for the sweater, I agree with the split hem and a bit longer in back. It really helps it lay better.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.