Sunday, September 12, 2021


The fourth square grapefruit bowl is finished! 
 No, I am not bored making another one! 
 The wood cuts beautifully and the grain is always a pleasant surprise each step of the process!
The grain and colorings are beautiful, I must admit!
The newest bowl is a smidge taller than the others
 but they are all about 5 1/2" square and 3" tall.
The last block of this month's 6 blocks are now finished, too. 
 I think I am finally getting a handle on the mosaic stitch in crochet!
And I had fun with two more postcards--
an orca whale and a dolphin.


  1. You've been so busy! Those bowls are gorgeous. That wood is just so pretty and you've got such a nice shine on them. My poor crochet is languishing as is my watercolors. There is just not enough time in the day anymore.

  2. You certainly are being quite productive. The bowls are beautiful, the squares lovely and always fun to paint/draw. Take care.

  3. Those bowls! I do love them. I've never done mosaic crochet but you make me want to try it.


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