Monday, September 27, 2021


Laughter and hugs...stories 
and the world from their point of view-priceless.
Outside of the lanai is my mandevilla plant;  covered in flowers, 
it is a striking pop of color day after day. 
This is also the view out of my bedroom window...the rising sun shining from behind it and the setting sun shining from this side. 
 It is beautiful and will be until frost removes the flowers.
Just behind this by the bird bath is the bleeding heart vine. 
 In full bloom, it looks like this.
After the blooms are spent, the husks turn this dusty rose color and continue to look stunning.  
What a perfect day was enjoyed yesterday. 


  1. Hooray for the visit, and the flowers are beautiful!

  2. i brought my Mandivilla in before last winter but it didn't make it. It seemed like it would at first, but then it just died. I don't think it could get enough light in the townhouse.

  3. What a wonderful day in the sun! You really do live in a paradise.

  4. It's likeliving on a tropical island! Beautiful. I'm glad you had a great visit too.

  5. Looks like it was a really lovely day. My ex-father-in-law was a fan of mandevilla and had some gorgeous ones in his yard.


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