Friday, September 24, 2021


I did indeed get a lot of knitting done while at the doctor's yesterday and finished casting off when I came home.
I did use the gift certificate after the doctor's to pick out some fabrics for a new pattern which will become a new table runner soon!  Who needs a lollipop after being a good girl at the doctor's?!
After lunch, I helped Bill, who was finishing this shed, by packing up the golf cart with boxes from the garage and bringing them to him--he then filled the shelves inside.
I brought 6 cart loads of  junk treasure to him until I was done in more ways than one!
Seeing all of this floor was very encouraging to us!
How do I know it is Fall?  The giant grasshoppers appear!  These are 5" whoppers which I am unable to kill because they are so disgusting....Bill to the rescue!

Today, I will knit on the blue top and begin to work on the new runner!  Umm, after I put the binding on the two QFK's first.


  1. The new fabrics are beautiful — what a fun treat! Exciting to see progress with the shed project!

  2. You are like the Energizer Bunny!! Always running around doing something. Enjoy your sewing and knitting time today!

  3. What a pretty kit!
    That's a great shed. I sure wish we had a garage for The Mister to put all his tools and stuff. He's been toying with the idea and getting one built. It's only been 30 years since we moved in but better late than never I suppose.

  4. Good luck with your sweater redo!! And I can't wait to see your table runner, I love that pattern.

  5. Looks like lots of good things going on!
    How could you kill those poor grasshoppers? They are so cute! Burton would DIE if we had a 5 inch one in the yard (most of our are 3" max)

  6. The sweater is coming right along. The fabrics and patterns for the table runner are so pretty. I'm loving fall but I detest the winter that will follow. We have been having praying mantis's the last week or so. It's been beautifully cool and I guess that's what has brought them back now. 90's are supposed to return tomorrow for a few days again so I'm really enjoying the windows open today.
    We have puppy Lizzie visiting today because Mandy is helping at track and field day at school. She's too little to be alone all day because she needs LOTS of potty breaks. So the girls are chasing each other round and round the family room. They LOVE to be together. My crafting is definitely taking a backseat these days.


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...