Sunday, April 10, 2022


Our April showers are bringiing April flowers! 
This is the dwarf  hydrangea .
It is a deeper color than last year's bloom.
And the large prayer lily is going full steam ahead .  So pretty!


  1. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a dwarf hydrangea, but I think they’d be perfect for my deck. I have a massive hydrangea in front of my house which I alternate between over-pruning or totally ignoring. Maybe a dwarf one would be safer in my hands!

  2. That hydrangea is beautiful. Such gorgeous flowers. My prayer lilly also has 3 flowers. It's the first time it's flowered. I transplanted it last fall from my sisters plant that had grown too large for the pot. She brought me two chunks and I gave one to Mandy.
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  3. My peace lily has one little bloom at the moment. Yours seems very happy. We've had many days of dust here. Depressing. Have a good week.


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