Wednesday, April 6, 2022


 Another church friend came yesterday and helped me do a thorough house cleaning. She outpaced me by miles! One thing I've missed is having the whole house cleaned at once becauuse it usually takes me days.She was able to do it all in one day-what a wonder! 

Bill found this chunk of Himalayan salt without the electrical light cord.Over the weekend, my son helped me pick out the right replacements off Amazon. I scrubbed the salt on the outside since it looked like it had been left out in the rain and I clean the dirt off of it.  The wooden base needed some cleaning up as well.  I love doing this kind of repair project so I sat in the kitchen while Denise was running circles around me. LOL How nice to see it all lit up after a little bit of elbow grease.


  1. Cleaning is definitely not my favorite thing to do ... there's a lot of dust in this desert country. Was reading a list today of things to do to make it a more joyful experience but mostly did some eye rolling. :/ Nice that you had someone to help you out.

  2. I would love to have someone come over and clean my entire house!

  3. Aren't church friends the best? I'm so glad that you had the help that you need right now. Too have the entire house clean at one time is indeed a gift.
    Love that light. I've seen them before in decorating shows and in ads, but never knew someone who had one. You'll have to tell us if it makes a difference in moods, etc.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Happy to hear your friend came over to help as you recover. Love the light - nice repair on the salt lamp.

  5. How lovely! I'm sure it's putting off some nice healing vibes.


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