Friday, April 15, 2022


Against all odds, I finished piecing the rest of the top!  And then when I stood back looking at it on the design wall, I groaned!  See what's wrong?!  
There was nothing for it but to rip our
 and exchange the two apple core shapes!
The left side fourth from the top piece is wrong, too, 
but that is because I ran out of that fabric
 not because I goofed! 
Now to think about the borders...


  1. Every quilt is a learning project for me. Hang in there. Pretty blues in your fabric choices.

  2. I must be stupid because I've looked and looked but can't figure out what went wrong but I'll take your word for it. I know you know what you're

  3. I'm hope it was a fairly easy fix and didn't require too much seam ripping. I looks great now!

  4. Very pretty quilt, and nicely pieced! Did you use the Accuquilt die? I made one with the die a few years ago, and having the notch in the center really helped with sewing the curves. Glad the ripping wasn't too terrible.

  5. Oh goodness!!
    But! it is so pretty - and.... you are back to fabric ;-)


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....