Thursday, August 25, 2022


Mom felt well enough to come into the kitchen and make scalloped potatoes with me!  We didn't have any problem sharing the same space--lots of laughs actually!
My Dad was mowing the lawn so he was happy.
In the bag of potatoes was this double potato and I said wouldn't I have loved to make a man out of him when I was a kid! 
 Mom said to go ahead and make one now-so I did! 
 This is just the kind of encouragement my Mom always gave me---and continues to do so today! 


  1. Wonderful to see your Mom’s smile!

  2. What a great photo!!!! How wonderful to have her home again. I was just thinking about trying to make some scalloped potatoes in the crockpot. My mom made the best scalloped potatoes and I have never been able to make them as good. I should have been paying more attention when I had the chance.

  3. You and your Mom look so much alike. Nice to see her smile. Love your potato man!! LOL

  4. Love your potato man! Love to see your mom on her feet!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.