Friday, September 29, 2023


I have finished one sock on the new needles-things went well and no damage to my finger occurred with the sharp points! lol  I set right out on the second sock and finished the toe.  A good place to begin now for all of that foot knitting requires hardly any thinking!  I am down with a sore throat and headache. 
 A day off today is just what I need. 
 I have had too many days out and about!
I ran out of the thread for this doily.  I need to pick up several balls of this grey;  I really like it and am enjoying the doily renaissance that's struck me!!


  1. Pretty doily. Hope you feel better quickly!

  2. I haven't had a sore throat but I have had two headaches in a row this week. I blame this damp weather. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. A day to recharge sounds like a good idea - your socks are great! - and that doily, its just intricate!

  4. I sure hope you feel better very soon. That's how my last yuck started too so I'll pray that's NOT what you have. I was concerned when there was no post yesterday since you are so faithful to blog everyday.
    I'm loving those doilies too. I would like to make some when I get the Christmas ornaments done. At the rate I'm going though, it will be months. I ended up having to throw away the first one. I messed up so badly on my counting that it would have taken longer to try to unpick all of the cross stitches! It was easier to just start completely over. And that was after a week of work. It's a good thing that I started early. :-)
    Feel better quickly my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Love your doilies! You sure are talented. We are fighting colds, too, and can relate. Feel better soon.

  6. Pretty doily. Would you share how you connect a new ball of thread. I’ve never done it successfully.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!