Tuesday, September 26, 2023


The binding is added to the table runner and it is nicely on the table!  This one will be for November because it has no orange in it and  I have several that will be on the table for October first!
I am in the process of adding the blue binding to the gingham quilt;  I accidentally put this in the finished pile
 without adding the binding-silly me!
I have another Call Me bag almost finished!  I will be teaching it to my quilting group next week or so!


  1. The guild members are going to love learning how to make the bags.

  2. Great runner! I can see it in the middle of a Thanksgiving feast. I have yet to put a single fall thing out. It's still too tropical here to think about it. I made all those fall placemats and quilts last year and I'm feeling meh about it. Maybe when this mugginess blows away.

  3. The table runner turned out great!

  4. Suh a pretty table runner. Perfect for November. The green border is beautiful with the squares. You quilt group will enjoy learning to make the purses. If I knew how to sew zippers in, I would make one too!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!