Wednesday, September 13, 2023


I went to my quilting group and enjoyed figuring out the piecing for the latest project.
I was glad to learn that the heavy plastic templates worked with a rotary cutter which will help with the piecing immensely!
When I got home, I only had a few pieces to add to finish the row.  Today, I will be sewing the two rows together and hopefully will have time to tackle another row!  I do need to take stock of how many units I need;  I always know what I need and then cut it out so this is a different situation for me!
Bill helped me put together a new shelf 
for my logs in the woodshop!
The little shelf wasn't sufficient for my supply of wood!
I used the old shelf to hold the hickory wood and clear the space where it was just piled on the floor!
I was able to see some order result 
and have even more wood to stack but it was enough for now. 
 It is still pretty hot in the garage not to mention the humidity!!

We finally had our WiFi restored at dinner time--it was torture to be disconnected! lol


  1. That's a bunch of wood!! Have fun with it.

  2. It's amazing how reliant we are on having internet all of the time isn't it? Several times on the plane I went to look something up on my phone, only to realize that there wasn't any internet.
    The quilt is so pretty and looks so hard. Plus, all of the work you've done on your wood piles looks to be exhausting. Moving wood is hard work!

  3. That quilt is a beauty! Your wood pile looks like my back yard. All that work, all those piles of wood The Mister and I split and stacked and Mother Nature made short work of turning a lot of it into mush and sawdust. At least our piles made the bugs and critters happy.

  4. Nice work on that quilt! Looks like you have enough wood to keep you busy for a little while; it will be fun to see what you make with it.

  5. Hooray for organization! -Marsel

  6. Looks like you have a nice selection of wood to play with!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!