Monday, September 11, 2023


The other day, I was given a large bag with a partially pieced wedding ring quilt-the book and templates were included.  The fabrics look like they were from the 1980's so it has been around a while.  It does not smell moldy or funky much to my relief!
Several pieces are sewn together so I can continue in pattern--there are so many strips already cut for the arcs and muslin for the background.  I have never made a Wedding Ring quilt and will take on this piecing challenge quite willingly!  
I will begin today, in fact!


  1. What fun! I want to make a wedding ring quilt one day - it's always been one of my favorite patterns!

  2. How exciting! I've made two of them and they are quite the adventure but are so spectacular when they are done.

  3. Fun to try something new-to-you! -Marsel

  4. That looks like quite a project! Bravo to you for taking it on.

  5. Good for you to take on the challenge. I have arcs from a friend's grandmother and no directions. I'm not up to the challenge at this time. I might make snakes from the arcs but I need to further discuss this with my friend. In the meantime it sits.... I hope you have a great time working on this project.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!