Wednesday, September 6, 2023


This is an old composite fountain that used to have an electric pump which died several years ago!  I gave it a facelift of new paint, patched its leaks and added a solar pump
 so I could use it out front, away from an outlet.  
The water just bubbles out of the 'pineapple' and flows with a delightful sound.  While I enjoyed the blue ceramic ball, it didn't attract birds or squirrels so it is moved once again.
Now this is my view from the kitchen or from my recliner. 
 I'm very pleased!
Another dishcloth is finished!  I had just a little bit of the skein
 left after knitting two dishcloths.
  It's always nice to win at yarn chicken!
 And keeping to the Autumn theme, I started a table runner from a charm pack.  I stitched this together while at quilting group which has begun again after a summer hiatus.  It was so good to be with the ladies again and catch up on our summers.  


  1. You sure can see that fountain! Nice work on your projects; you sure are one talented gal.

  2. What a beautiful fountain! My mom always had one that she could see out of her kitchen window so she could watch it when she did the dishes. It was a ceramic boy trying to get a drink out of a water fountain and it cracked me up.

  3. How fun is a vibrant, red fountain! I love it.

  4. Beautiful! the solar pump is a great idea!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!