Friday, September 1, 2023


 Lena has radar for 'just removed from the frame' quilts!  She loves to help me trim them so that I can then bind them!  I am glad to say this one was done-even the binding!  
We did a lot of yardwork yesterday-there were 5 tractor bucket loads added to the burn pile!  Mostly downed Spanish moss and small branches from the live oaks and then a ton of palm boughs--the wind really does a nice job of 'pruning' the dead branches from the trees! lol  
I was glad to see a new bloom on the hibiscus! 
 I am glad to say all of my plants survived the wind and rain!
Today I am going to JoAnn's with a friend to stock up on backings and basics like some white thread!  I also need another ball of crochet cotton to finish the dolphin doily!
  I'm looking forward to the time with Mary!
Happy first day of September!


  1. I’m glad your plants all fared well! …and Lena doesn’t look too traumatized from the stormy weather, so that’s good. :) -Marsel

  2. Glad you are all safe and no real damage. enjoy your shopping spree!

  3. Pretty finish! Lena seems to approve too. Have fun with your shopping today, you've earned it with all of that yard work.

  4. Lena has a great radar!!! Cute quilt!!!

  5. Lovely bloom! We've been admiring the hibiscus around this summer. They seemed especially large and colorful. For The Mister to comment on them means a lot. He doesn't really notice things like that.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!