Saturday, September 2, 2023


See, proof that it really is done!  
Quilts For Kids send simple yet modern fabrics for their kits.
The binding matches the backing.  40" x 48"
I got this in the mail today--it is stable, beautiful wood and even holds up to cat play!  What a pleasure to knit without having to yank some more yarn out of the skein every minute or so!!!  (this one is a knock-off from the Wool Jeanie but I liked the wood so much better than the plastic and it was less expensive, too.)

The shopping went great yesterday;  we found everything on our lists and then some! lol  We even went to a quilt shop nearby which was on the way to the pizza shop for lunch! 
 The day was perfect in every way!)


  1. Such a sweet quilt!!! Those wool holder things are nice. I've always wanted one but with so many projects always on the go I wouldn't know how to get along with just

  2. The quilt is so cute. Some little girl is going to be very happy. I'm glad you like your yarn older. I have the yarn Genie and you're right. Yours is much prettier but I sure love how well mine works too.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!