Saturday, June 22, 2024


 I worked  on piecing the Sea Travelers quilt yesterday, correcting an incorrectly cut piece that required a bit of ripping out to resew it.    I also loaded a QOV that I am quilting for the group;  this was pieced by someone else, I am just doing the quilting. 
Nice to take part on different levels!


  1. Fun pattern for that quilt. Do you finish it (binding etc) or quilt it and give it back for finishing? -Marsel

  2. I really like this one! You do such great work. I think the QOV project is such a good one. Appreciating our veterans is very high on my list of people I make for.

  3. How lucky your group is to have someone with such skill do the quilting for them!

  4. Lovely quilts you are working on! And I am eager to see your spindle experiment finish.


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