Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Different Kind of Day

Bill spent most of the day hauling stuff out of the house, garage and rental units. 

We even have a little stash to sell in the community yard sale this Saturday!  I went over to help him this afternoon and swept out the house, garage and the 2 double unit rental cabins also on the property.  The rooms  were very scary looking to me, think 1940's migrant workers and all the 60+ years of mold growth and you will be  close to the ambiance!  I said they should just level the buildings and sell the lot, Bill was telling me that someone would jump at the chance to buy it......well, when I was taking the pictures outside, someone stopped and asked if they could talk to the owners about buying it.  I hate it when he is so right-he loved it , of course. 

Well, Peg in So Carolina, I am having to face the consequences of my haphazard dyeing methods because I ran out of the dyed suffolk and now have to try and duplicate the original color!!! It isn't going to happen.  I think I will be dip dyeing the top to see just how close I CAN get and then overdyeing the pair of socks to fix the experiment!

I am going to start a new pair of socks.......Aimee socks by Wendy Johnson.  I hope to make a pair of matching mother/daughter socks out of this and then dye them to highlight the butterflies. 

The beginning of a new month is always so great for starting lists for all you anticipate to get done this month.  Hope you feel the same way!


  1. The socks turned out lovely -- and the 'experiment' will just add to their character! :)

    Mother-daughter socks? -- that sounds fun. For whom might those be?!

  2. Funny about your husband being Mr. Right!

    Great-looking socks you've got going on. I was surprised that dyeing isn't an exact science. One thing I did learn at NEWS was that if you mail ProChem something you want to color match, they'll send you back the recipe for matching it with their dye. (Not that your plan for these socks isn't already great - but for future reference if you really, really needed to color match!)

    Have fun!

  3. OR you could redo the cuff on the other sock in white to make them match.

  4. That is quite the haul of stuff out of that house! You should make some money on that at the garage sale (think fiber money!!). Yeah, sometimes the men ARE right, it might be rare but it happens. ;) JUST KIDDING (kind of) :D


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.